The Evolution of City Diplomacy in Africa: Impact, Potential, and Ongoing Challenges of African Cities’ International Activities
City diplomacy, intended as the conduct of international relations by cities and local governments with the overall purpose of advancing their own priorities, ranks among the most significant recent developments in both international relations and urban governance. As implemented by
cities in Africa and the rest of the world, such practice has emerged as a fully-fledged form of diplomacy run by the closest political institutions to citizens.
This paper focuses on the evolution of city diplomacy in Africa, as wellas its possible future. The first part is devoted to analyzing the three consecutive thematic priorities of such a practice as conducted and experienced by African cities. The second part uses the lens of international city networks (ICNs) to identify the key institutional, political, economic, demographic, and linguistic determinants underlying the spread and leadership of city diplomacy on the continent. The third part focuses on the major ongoing challenges and risks linked to the spread of city
diplomacy in Africa. Finally, the conclusion presents two emerging prospects for synergy that could empower African cities and local governments to navigate the many opportunities and risks of city diplomacy proficiently.
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