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Citizen and Stakeholder Engagement Services

These are seven services and resources you can use to more effectively engage and involve citizens and stakeholders in your climate transition.

These services are developed by experts in the fields of citizen participation and stakeholder engagement. They can be used on your own, with your transition team, or with support from an expert facilitator.


An Introduction to the Need for a Participative Transition: Why It Matters and How It Can Be Done
Democratic decision-making and agency are critical to achieve 100 climate-neutral cities in 2030 and a climate-neutral Europe in 2050. In this report, we make the case for cities to transform decision-making processes and engage citizens and urban stakeholders in meaningful participation to contribute towards this goal. Our aim is to challenge, inspire and support cities to reimagine the role of citizen engagement in their journeys to climate neutrality


Citizen Participation and Stakeholder Engagement Case Studies
Explore examples and learnings from other cities' efforts to engage stakeholders and enhance citizen participation. Search the numerous examples to find some that feel most fit to your own agenda and context as well as ideas that can push your work toward new and exciting opportunities. 


Activating Ecosystems for Change, Capability Building Module
This module will equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to drive change in their local communities. Participants will learn how to co-create a vision for their city, engage citizens and stakeholders, and maximize social innovation.


Engagement Building Blocks
En route to achieving climate neutrality, you will need to engage with citizens and urban stakeholders across your city. The Engagement Building Blocks offer a visual, collaborative, and playful way to learn and implement frameworks for designing such an engagement process. It can be used to explore alternative ways forward, assess needs, and reach agreement on key aspects between different stakeholders before you start the detailed design.


Civic Environment Mapping Service - Canvases & Guide
Mapping civic environments is the first step to visualize various individuals, groups and organizations, their roles, relationships, influence and impact on the city’s climate neutrality transition journey. This collection, provides a synthesized NZC Civic Engagement Mapping Tool and an additional range of curated mapping canvases which Transition Teams in the Mission Cities can implement in both physical and online workshop settings. These tools are delivered as a package with a 'Civic Engagement Mapping approach', which provides the guidebook to select, implement and mainstream mapping in city climate neutrality planning processes.


Strategies for Designing Spaces for Encounter
Spaces for Encounter enable citizens and stakeholders with different types and levels of power to interact in carefully facilitated ways which can have a powerful effect on bridging divides and creating impact. They are spaces where citizens can encounter various stakeholders and be included in the transition to climate neutrality, both within the framework of the spaces and more broadly in the city’s work towards climate neutrality. This framework provides a way for thinking about the values and process of engagement that are needed in the spaces. It is not necessarily a step-by-step guide on how to create these spaces, but a guide on what you need to consider and possess to create Spaces for Encounter.

Engagement Strategy Tools
These tools aim to assist you in identifying your specific citizen and stakeholder engagement needs, and direct you towards the most suitable NetZeroCities services to improve your engagement processes. 

These tools include:  

  • Engagement Priority Identifier: This diagnostic tool functions as a personalised health assessment for your city's engagement requirements. By answering straightforward questions, you'll pinpoint your highest engagement needs and identify the most pressing issues to address.  The tool will help you define your local engagement needs and identify which services you can use to start addressing those needs with the citizens and urban stakeholders in your city
  • Engagement Strategy Enhancer:
    While the Engagement Priority Identifier will help you identify priorities and specific services to use in response to each priority, this tool will help you navigate the best combination of engagement support tools, modules, and services available. It will help you to build on what you’ve already done or plan to do by finding additional, complementary services you can use to engage and activate the citizens and urban stakeholders in your city. For maximum impact, it will advise you on how to best use each tool in combination with others



CommunicationLeadershipCo-benefitsCost of inactionJust transitionEmploymentScience-based targetsCommunity engagementGovernanceHeritage and culturePolicyEntrepreneurshipPublic-private collaborationClimate resilienceHeating and coolingLand-useTransport and mobility