Challenge Map (Canvas)
Challenge mapping helps to understand the barriers to innovation within a certain thematic area / challenge / societal mission and to indicate the most promising routes towards overcoming the barriers. The challenge map is a tool to engage with a certain community of experts to build this understanding and discuss the routes towards solutions. A ready challenge map provides a good overview of how different aspects are interconnected and where the ‘sore points’ are vs. what can ‘the cure’ consists of.
$translatableResources = [3, 4, 5, 6];
if (in_array($ResourceType, $translatableResources)) {
$langUser = strtoupper($browserLang);
if (!isset($arrPostLang[$langUser]['Target'])) {
$langUser = 'EN';
// on regarde si la langue source est differente de la langue de l'utilisateur ou si on a pas detecte la langue
if (!isset($media['srcLang']) || $media['srcLang'] != $langUser) {
//si la langue de l'utilisateur (browserLang) est disponible dans le tableau
if (isset($arrPostLang[$langUser]['Target'])) {
$translate = $arrPostLang[$langUser]['Target'];