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Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) to a Sustainable Future: DUT Partnership in a nutshell

The Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership is an intergovernmental research and innovation programme addressing key challenges of urban transitions. Its ambition is to shape and facilitate an innovation eco-system for all urban actors to engage in and benefit from. With over 60 partners from 28 countries and the European Commission (EC), DUT is committed to addressing urban sustainability challenges and contributing to the European Mission of climate-neutral cities, the European Green Deal, and the Urban Agenda for the EU. It is a catalyst for transformational change that engages stakeholders in the strategic agenda setting, development and implementation of annual calls, and synthesizes, communicates, and translates the results of funded projects into practice.

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Just transitionScience-based targetsCommunity engagementGovernancePolicyFundingPublic-private collaborationData accessCircular economyClimate resilienceNature-based solutionsRenewable energyTransport and mobility