Scaling the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) model: Prospects and pathways for action
Bringing clean energy to those most in need will require the creation of in-country ecosystems
to help speed that transformation. That means working to build local expertise; strengthening institutions; engaging civil society, utilities, and regulators; establishing sound transition plans; and helping to bring in outside capital of all kinds.
Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs) are a promising political and financial innovation designed to address exactly this challenge. These arrangements between the International Partners Group (IPG) of donors and host countries seek to accelerate host country-led energy transitions. They combine leader-level political support with the provision of concessional capital, targeting near-term investments with an elevated focus on easing the transition for workers. Since 2021, four countries have signed JETP “deals”: South Africa, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Senegal.
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