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Zhytomyr Municipal Energy Plan

Community transition to climate neutrality through the implementation of local energy policy.


Location Zhytomyr, Ukraine
Scale City
Main actor Municipality of Zhytomyr
Duration/Time Being implemented since 2017
Investment EUR 85 m (the total amount of funds spent on the implementation of the Municipal Energy Plan)
Direct beneficiaries 264,700 people – the whole population of Zhytomyr
Target users residents of the Zhytomyr City Territorial Community; educational, health care, cultural institutions, communal enterprises
City stage in city journey Implement
Format Written


Ukrainian cities, including the city of Zhytomyr, inherited an extremely energy-intensive urban infrastructure from the Soviet Union. In addition, Ukraine and Ukrainian cities are energy deficient. As of 2010, Ukraine imported 75% of natural gas and 85% of oil and oil products. Such a structure of fuel and energy balance is critical for any country. For Ukraine, the price of fuels and energy resources has always been a tool of foreign policy pressure from the countries supplying such resources. Therefore, for Ukraine and Ukrainian cities, the issue of reducing energy consumption is not only a question of sustainable development but also a question of preserving national identity, freedom and independence.


In 2012, the city of Zhytomyr joined the European initiative "Covenant of Mayors." Here it started developing a local energy policy aimed at sustainable development of the urban environment and adaptation to climate change. In the meantime, the city:

- has developed and approved a number of strategic documents in the sector of sustainable energy development, sustainable urban mobility and transition to renewable energy sources;

- has adapted the management structure and implemented a number of internal policies that integrated the strategy of sustainable energy development into all areas of urban management (in 2019, the city successfully passed an independent audit of the local energy policy management system and received the European Energy Award);

- has implemented the first Municipal Energy Plan during 2017-2020 (a number of investment projects), which made possible to reduce energy consumption by municipal infrastructure by almost 30%;

- has approved the Municipal Energy Plan for the period 2021-2024, aiming to increase energy use efficiency and its replacement by renewable energy sources and local alternative fuels.


Key Impacts

100% LED lighting

in city outdoors by 2019

50% reduction of electricity consumption

from 3.4 GWh/year in 2012 to 1.7 GWh/year in 2021

30%+ reduction of natural gas consumption

by modernization of the city district heating (from 96.8m m3/year in 2010 to 62.4m m3/year in 2021));

28.8% less city energy consumption

in 2020 (by 699.024 thou MWh)

36.1 % less CO2 city emissions

In 2020 (740.273 thou tons/year)


- “European Energy Award 2019”.

- "The Most Large-Scale LED Project of the Year" for the transition of the city street lighting system to 100% LED lighting, at the international exhibition of LED and smart lighting "Led Expo Ukraine 2019".

- "ECOtransformation" award for environmental leadership and contribution to the development of green economy and a sustainable state, at All-Ukrainian Forum “Leadership and ECOtransformation-2021”

- The Best Energy Manager in Ukraine - 2020, 2021, 2022


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Climate resilienceRenewable energyWaste