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Tokorozawa Energy & Business Strategy: Establishing Tokorozawa Future Electric Power

A successful public-private partnership to reduce the city's external energy dependency and accelerate climate neutrality


Location Tokorozawa, Japan
Scale City
Main actor Municipality of Tokorozawa
Duration/Time Ongoing since 2018
Investment 5.1 million yen since implementation
Direct beneficiaries 597 households and institutions in total
Target users Public Facilities, Households, and Companies
City stage in city journey Update
Format Written


Having experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident in 2011, Tokorozawa city needed to respond quickly to secure energy and to strengthen resilience. Dependance on external regional sources of energy made the city more vulnerable. Another major challenge is to address climate change while the local economy is shrinking.


We concluded that “local production for local consumption of energy” is the key to transform society.  To implement the concept, the city accelerated the installation of large-scale photovoltaics and invested in establishing a local electricity retailer: the Tokorozawa Future Electric Power (TFEP), with other business partners. TFEP purchases Renewable Energy Sources (RES) generated in the city and then supply the green power citywide. The RES strategy results in reducing CO2 and strengthening resilience, thus helping the city to take a step towards circular economy. 

Key Impacts

85% GHGs emissions reduction

at public facilities comparing 2021 to 2013 fiscal years

37,000 MWh

provision of green energy contributing to City’s GHG emission reduction

9MW of locally generated green energy

Equivalent to 2,600 households consumption per year

¥200m revenue for the City

in the last 3 years from the sales of electricity generated. 

Revenues reinvested in the City

The revenues are used to subsidize housing renovation and renewable energy production for city residents

¥900m as annual sales

only three year after the establishment of TFEP. This source is cheaper than the major electric company


Award by New Energy Foundation in Japan


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InfrastructurePublic-private collaborationCircular economyRenewable energy