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Collection – The Net Zero Cities Framework

The Net Zero Cities framework is based on three pillars: Purpose, Process and Plan, which conform the Climate Transitions Map.

The NZC proposes a collective transformative systemic approach to accelerate decarbonisation. This will be implemented as an iterative Process through the ambitous journey of the 112 cities working together with Specific NZC Cities Advisors to Plan actions towards achieving climate neutrality by 2030.

The process activates an inclusive ecosystem for exchange, following 06 clear phases. You can click below to see the goals and tools of each phase:

01 Build A Strong Mandate
02 Understand The System
03 Co-Create The Portfolio
04 Take Action
05 Learn And Reflect
06 Make It The New Normal

Finally and most importantly, the Purpose and Process are embodied through the Plans of the Climate City Contract (CCC). The CCC is a governance innovation tool to help cities collaboratively address their barriers to reaching climate neutrality by 2030. The CCC involves three plans:

- The Commitments Plan
- The Action Plan
- The Investment Plan

The CCC aims to co-create new ways of working together with local, regional and national stakeholders to reach 2030 climate neutrality in the cities. The journey will be different for every city, but should be guided by the Process phases.

Finally, several Pilot and Twin Cities as well as other NZC Programs are helping these cities to achieve their goals. For more information, please refer to:


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