Augmenting Capacity for Humanitarian Emergencies of Infectious Diseases
The overall scope, goal of the program(s) to be funded under the award(s) resulting from this APS includes: establishing standby capacity by strengthening and augmenting preparedness and readiness of and between potential responders from national and/or international NGOs organizations, PIOs, academic and private institutions, improving technical capacity and coordination for an integrated, effective multi-sectoral response to an infectious disease outbreak that becomes humanitarian emergency. Applicants should build internal mechanisms to improve their institutional capacity to rapidly deploy in response to an infectious disease outbreak that becomes a humanitarian emergency, support organizational capacity to augment or pivot response efforts to keep up with changing needs, and/or to provide support to coordination L3 responses that includes actors from multiple agencies or sectors (i.e. Health, Nutrition, WASH, Agriculture and Food Security, Protection). USAID/OFDA recognizes other ongoing capacity building initiatives supported by other donors that are focused on governments; this APS is specifically focused on building non-governmental capacity in the humanitarian aid community.