Funding call details

Climate Smart and Disaster Ready

December 13, 2024, Climate Smart and Disaster Ready Round 2 Round 2 of the Climate Smart and Disaster Ready No. 720BHA22APS00002 is requesting the submission of concept papers. USAID anticipates issuing multiple awards under Round 2. Unless otherwise stated herein, all terms and conditions of the Climate Smart and Disaster Ready APS apply. Please refer to the base document of the Climate Smart and Disaster Ready APS for additional information. While this Round is intended to be an elaboration of the information provided in the Climate Smart and Disaster Ready APS base document, should there be differences between the two, this Round will supersede information in the base document. As such, both documents should be read in conjunction to ensure all application requirements are met. Comments regarding this Round 2 Climate APS should be submitted in writing to: no later than January 8, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. EST. The deadline for Concept Papers is January 31, 2025 at 11:59 PM. March 10, 2023: The Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) has summarized and addressed the questions that it received on the ROUND 1 CALL FOR CONCEPT PAPERS related to the subject Annual Program Statement (number 720BHA22APS00002). The document for ROUND1 Q&A is attached in the related documents tab. When emailing a concept paper, each applicant must include the APS number and Round number in the emails’ and attachments’/files’ name(s) and add in the Subject Line the APS Number and the Round number with the words “Concept Paper”. February 17, 2023: 1/ The Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) has summarized and addressed the questions that it received on the subject Annual Program Statement (number 720BHA22APS00002) in a response document that is attached in the related documents tab. In addition, BHA has revised the APS to address the questions received. BHA did not respond to comments received on the APS individually. The Amended Base APS document is attached in the related documents tab. 2/ ROUND 1 CALL FOR CONCEPT PAPERS: Climate Smart and Disaster Ready, Round1 of the Annual Program Statement (APS) No. 720BHA22APS00002 (referred to as Round1) is requesting the submission of concept papers focused on implementing innovative and applicable adaptation solutions with communities at greatest risk to climate related disasters, in current and foreseeable humanitarian settings. USAID anticipates issuing multiple awards under Round1. Unless otherwise stated herein, all terms and conditions of the Climate Smart and Disaster Ready APS apply. All interested organizations should carefully review both this Round1 AND the full APS with Amendments 1. Important information contained in the full Base APS is not repeated in this specific Round 1 documentation. For any questions on this Round1 document, please submit all questions via email to by the deadline noted. Applicants will have 7 days after the posting date to submit their questions. When emailing a concept paper, each applicant must include the APS number and Round number in the emails’ and attachments’/files’ name(s) and add in the Subject Line the APS Number and the Round number with the words “Concept Paper”. November 4, 2022: Through the Climate Smart and Disaster Ready Annual Program Statement (APS), USAID BHA will implement innovative and applicable adaptation solutions in communities at greatest risk to climate-related disasters in current and foreseeable humanitarian settings. This APS focuses on local, inclusive climate solutions and partnerships. It will work across communities to reduce the risk of climate-related disasters and improve communities’ resilience to climate change. This umbrella APS only outlines the goal, objectives, expected results and priorities of the Climate Smart and Disaster Ready program, with future amendments that will announce Rounds of Applications. This umbrella APS will not be accepting concept papers or applications and BHA may amend this APS to increase the funding available for it. Questions and Answers Questions regarding this APS should be submitted in writing to: no later than November 18, 2022 at 12 a.m. EST. Any information given to a prospective applicant concerning this APS will be furnished promptly to all other prospective applicants as a round to this APS, if that information is necessary in submitting applications or if the lack of it would be prejudicial to any other prospective applicant.

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DeadLine Info

Deadline Type Not specified
Deadline To Come 13 January 2026
Deadline Not specified

Budget Info

Budget 200 000 000 usd
Currency usd
Budget Details
  • 2027 200000000 usd
  • General Info

    Funder Agency for International Development
    Competitors 65
    Duration 0
    Identifier 720BHA22APS00002
    Grant Grant
    Program Disaster Prevention and Relief
    Not specified
    Not specified