SOI - Match and Gap Funding Assistance for Surface Transportation Projects
The Denali Commission is inviting statements of interest for rural Alaska transportation projects in need of local match or gap funding assistance. Many Alaskan communities lack the tax base or resources necessary to meet cost share requirements. This opportunity seeks to provide funding to cover local match needs or address funding gaps, facilitating the completion of surface transportation projects and supporting infrastructure development in rural communities.
The Commission announces the availability of funds for match and gap funding assistance for surface transportation projects that identify specific shovel-ready transportation improvement projects. This announcement commits up to $5,000,000 for the purpose of this program from funds appropriated under Public Law 117-328 and allows for non-federal match via Section 309(h) Non-Federal Share of the Denali Commission Act of 1998 (42 U.S.C. 3121; Public Law 105-277), stating, “funds made available to carry out this section may be used to meet the non-Federal share of the cost of projects under title 23, United States Code.”Eligible projects must benefit the public in Alaska. Eligible applicants include municipal, borough, and tribal governments; Indian Tribes as defined by Title 25 US Code § 5304; regional tribal non-profit organizations; and other non-profit organizations.
Entities which do not have an active or pending award with the Denali Commission transportation program will be prioritized under this funding opportunity.
The Commission will evaluate statements of interest on a rolling basis. A review committee of Commission staff and subject matter experts will conduct a conformance review and evaluate statements according to the priorities listed above, beginning to invite successful respondents by about January 15 to submit proposals. Invitations for proposal will give interested parties approximately 45 days to respond with a full proposal. The Transportation Advisory Committee, Commission staff and subject matter experts will evaluate full proposals. The Commission anticipates making awards in late spring 2025. The Commission reserves the right to partially fund projects, subject to the quality of funding assistance requests received and other relevant considerations.
This funding opportunity is expected to close February 28, 2025.
Download the full announcement and fillable form in Related Documents: Soliciting Statements of Interest - Match and Gap Assistance for Surface Transportation Projects
Please email your completed Statement of Interest form to the Commission at DO NOT UPLOAD TO